Flexible hiring for long- or short-term Interim assignments and staffing solutions

We live in a constantly changing world, and this is true also for the business environment. Companies need to adjust fast to changing situations, and this demands a lof of the employees.

Adiente’s Interim and staffing solutions are the perfect answer for companies that need to employ new talent or talents to the organization. Adiente can offer employees to almost any position in your company.

Staffing is often used for longer or shorter projects, for  unforeseen longer sick leaves, parental leaves or other similar absences, or for the temporary use of such interim competence that does not exist within the own organization,.

Staffing is flexible for all parties and especially students and newly graduates like to do this kind of work, where they get to see different organisations and try different types of positions, before settling down and applying for a permanent position. Students and newly graduates are usually very co-operative and enthusiastic, an easy group to work with, since they are flexible, they learn quickly and they have a great attitude. We have students from all kinds of fields, with a broad knowledge base, education, experience and competence.

Adientes network consists of a broad scale of people, from students to experienced professionals.

This means that Adiente can offer our customers experienced motivated and educated personnel for different kinds of situations and positions. Fast and flexible.

We also offer experienced Interim leaders, that typically come in for a period of 6-12 months, to lead a project or who comes in for a specific reason, for a fixed timeperiod.

Our staffing and Interim solutions

Interim is often used as a term when we speak about experienced professionals with several years of working, and, leadership experience.

Besides Interim professionals, we also offer staffing solutions such as:

• Temporary vacancies
• Projects
• Summer jobs
• Specialist staffing

More than 80% of our long term staffing contracts end due to the customer deciding to offer the employee a permanent position. Recruiting of the employee can be done anytime during the contract, if the customer wishes to do so.

Adiente will grant full guarantee to all our staffing and recruitment assignments. If our customer is not satisfied with the chosen employee, we will change the employee to somebody else with matching competence, without delay. This guarantee is valid for all our staffing employments, and Adiente also grants this option to all our employees – if they are not satisfied, they too, have the opportunity to quit.

Our staffing and Interim process

Our staffing process works much in the same way as the recruitment process does. It is important that also the temporary staff is a great match to the customer company, and for this reason, we invest in staffing in the same way as we do in recruitment.


Adiente’s consultant meets with the client

For us it is important to personally meet and get to know our customers, so we always meet the contact person or the team lead, see the office, get to know the future colleges, become familiar with the company culture and see where our future employee will work.
All of these small things matter in choosing the right person for this company and for this position. Then we will proceed to writing a recruitment profile, sign the staffing contracts and and start the search process.


Adiente’s consultant starts the search

Using the recruitment profile that was written together with the customer, we start searching for our future employee. We do this by searching within our own extensive cv database, our networks, and by publishing the add in selected channels and social media.


The candidates are presented to our customer

Within the agreed upon timeframe, Adiente will select and interview suitable candidates and then present them to the customer. The customer meets the candidates, interviews them and chooses their employee. Adiente then conducts reference and background checks and gives the candidate a job offer.


The staffing prosess starts

When all the parties have agreed upon terms and conditions, the employee can start working at the customer. We keep in touch with all parties throughout the staffing period.


The staffing period ends or the employee is recruited to the customer

The staffing projects are almost always fixed term contracts, meaning that the contract ends when for example a maternity leave ends. Before the contract ends, Adiente will be in touch with both customer and employer, and the employment will be evaluated.
More than half of our long term staffing contracts ends because the customer decides to offer the employee a permanent position, and recruits the employee. This is something we support and are happy about.

An employee can be recruitedto the customer anytime duringthe staffing period

We comply with the collective labour agreements

Adiente has been a member of the Finnish Private Employment Agencies’ Association, and via that a member of the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, as well as The World Employment Confederation,  since the start in 2005. We comply with the General Terms and Conditions for the temporary agency work industry and the General Terms and Conditions for recruitment within the temporary agency work sector. Adiente has also been an authorized staffing company since 2011.

General Terms and Conditions for the temporary agency work industry

The Finnish Private Employment Agencies’ Association, HPL, has developed general terms and conditions for recruitments and staffing, that exist to make responsibilities and rules clear to all parties. The terms take into account especially the rights of the employees and the job seekers.

The General Terms and Conditions regarding the service in question are intended to be attached to contracts concluded between a private employment agency and its client company. The general terms and conditions for staffing can be found here, and the general terms and conditions for recruitments, here.

The collective labor agreement

The Finnish Private Employment Agencies’ Association, HPL, has also developed a collective labor agreement, which is applied on employees working in the office of the recruitment – and staffing companies themselves, and also on the employees that work for the staffing companies, but in their customers offices.

The labor agreement can be found here.

Interested in staffing or Interim solutions?

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