Changes in working life and outplacement services

Business often develop an grow in cycles, sometimes they grow and want to increase the amount of team members, meaning new recruitments are needed. And sometimes the situation is the opposite, and the amount of team members needs to be reduced.

An organisation, or a team is always a unit of it´s own, and resizing a team in a smaller direction is always a big, and often unpleasant task for a team leader.  This decision will always affect the entire team, including those who get to stay in the company.

Adiente has a comprehensive outplacement service, and in the event an organisation needs to reduce the amount of team members or co-workers, we can support the team regarding all the relevant areas.

Outplacement is not just about the person or persons who´s contracts are about to get terminated, a very important aspect to consider is to also support the team lead who has to take the decision of who to keep and who has to go, and to also to take care of the team that stays.

The Outplacement process is always tailor made according to what would be the best solution,
for everybody, in the current situation


Support to, discussions with, and coaching of,  the team lead

Termination of a employment contract is always a big decision and is usually also an unpleasant situation for all parties. No one makes a decision to lay someone off on light grounds, but regardless of the reason for the termination, it is usually the result of a long process.

The team leader is often alone in this situation, and benefits from support and of having someone to discuss and consult with. Here, Adiente can act as a coach and as support, and during the whole process. This usually takes 2 to 4 months, depending on the situation and what is needed.


Support to, discussions with, and coaching of,  the team that stays

The termination of a team members contract will affect everybody. When someone has to leave the team, it can bring a variety of feelings to the surface, such as uncertainty about the process, no matter how it is done, or fear that you will have to be the next one to go, or fear that you will have to do all the tasks of the person who is leaving. Uncertainty about why I was allowed to stay when somebody else was not, the grief of losing a good co-worker, and many similar feelings, need to be addressed.

It is beneficial to deal with these feelings and fears right away, and also to allocate time for an open discussion, to let everybody ask the questions needed and to provide honest answers. The better this is handled, the faster the team or organisation will recover and return to working as before.

The process of supporting the team that stays, usually takes 2-4 months, depending on the situation and the company. Letting go of one person is usually a lighter process than if a bigger part of a team has to go, and the process is tailored accordingly.


Outplacement services for the person/persons who has to leave

Change adjustment and Outplacement services

The purpose of an outplacement process is to give an employee help, support and tools to find a new job or a new career after his or her employment has been terminated.

Work life change support is mandatory in Finland, if the employees have been dismissed for financial reasons, the employment has lasted more than five years and the employer employes more than 30 employees:

  • The employer must offer the dismissed person the opportunity to participate in an Outplacement process or some form of coaching and training that promotes employment.
  • The value of the training must correspond to the employee’s salary, or the average monthly salary in the industry.

It is always good to offer some kind of support to a work life change situation, such as an outplacement process – even if the law should not require it. Providing training and an adjustment package for an employee, shows that the employer is doing what they can to act responsibly, improves the employer’s image and increases the employees’ appreciation of the employer. Getting support and help in a challenging situation, is valued by employees, and it is perceived as a positive gesture from the employer, in a situation that is difficult for everyone.

Work life change support/Outplacement at Adiente

Work life change support or an Outplacement training typically takes about 2-3 months, and the process can be started immediately after the change negotiations have ended. It is important to start working towards a positive goal and to start coaching towards a new career as quickly as possible.

Outplacement can be compared to career coaching, where we start by mapping the current situation with the employee, go through his or her knowledge and competence, opportunities, and challenges, and we define what the employee would like the desired outcome to be. The desired outcome can be to continue working in a similar position in another company, or to change to something completely different, to go back to school or to study for an MBA, to start a company or some other option.

Once we know what the desired outcome is, we draw up a plan and make a roadmap how to reach it, and then we start working towards it.  In addition to this, our outplacement service always includes a job interview, going through the employees CV and application, writing or updating a Linked In profile, and conducting a personal assessment analysis. This helps the employee to understand him or herself better, identify strengths and areas of development, both of which will help him/her both in the job search and in his/her future career.

We use solution-oriented business coaching, where we support the achievement of a person’s career goals long term. The work life change support training’s goal is to help the employee to find a new job or create a new career, and we have been very successful at achieving these goals with Adientes Outplacement processes over they years.

Interested in Outplacement?

Contact us, we will be happy to discuss how we can help you!

Erica Flinck-Härkönen
Tel. +358 40 510 7700

Marika Högström-Andersson
Tel: +358 50 572 6439

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Personality assessments

We use personality assessment tools for recruitments, coaching, team development and outplacement.

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