Personality assessments

Personality and suitability assessments are often used when we want to get to know a potential employee more deeply, and understand him or her as a person, identify his or her way of working, or when we want to measure his or her ability and future potential.

Personality assessment is an effective tool when we want to assess a candidate’s personal abilities, strengths and areas for development – and at the same time compare them to the wishes, expectations and goals of our client company.

We use different types of personal assessment tools, depending on what we want to measure or evaluate.

Assessments can measure, for example, a person’s way of working, characteristics, competence and motivational factors. It is also possible to measure the competence of a particular area, such as a person’s language skills.

What is measured, and why, depends on the needs of the client company or our own assignment. We use personnel and suitability assessments extensively in recruitment and outplacement assignments, and also in Business Coaching and during team development days.

Assessment tools

Extended DISC®

The Extended DISC® provides individuals, teams and organizations with an easy-to-use electronic tool for identifying and evaluating personal behaviour. The Extended DISC® method was developed in Finland based on the popular DISC theory developed in the 1920s. The method has many application areas, such as knowing yourself and others, leadership and organizational development, communication and interaction skills, development, customer service and sales skills development, and many more.

Extended DISC® personal analysis is intended to illustrate a person´s natural behavior and to help understand both one´s own and the behavior of other´s. Understanding personal profiles helps to identify areas of people´s comfort zone, strengths, motivational factors, and the potential that the own personality brings. The model does not classify as good or bad, more or less intelligent, knowledge or professional skills and none of the behavioral styles is better or worse – all are equal.

Extended DISC® Personal analysis is designed to produce practical and easily assimilated information, that can be used to influence an individual´s performance in a positive way or to support better decision-making.

Extended DISC® Personal analysis is easy to use. It is a self assessment online tool. The assessment consists of 24 different pairs of adjectives of which you need to choose, which one suits you the best and the worse. The analysis can be done in 40 different languages. Answering the survey only takes about 10-15 minutes. Based on your anwers the system creates your own DISC® profile. To get a deeper knowledge and understanding of yourself and your profile, the analysis will be discussed in depht with Adiente´s own Extended DISC® consultant.

The Extended DISC® tool has countless possibilities of use. At Adiente we can use the tool in everything we do; in recruitments, team development, evaluation and development of leadership skills, career planning, defining recruitment needs, and also within coaching and outplacement.

WorkPlace Big Five for knowing yourself and others

All organizations consist of people, and each person brings different perspectives to the team and to the organization through their own personality – inspiration and new insights, but also challenges and possibly friction.

How well do you know yourself and your natural way of working? And do you understand your colleagues or subordinates? What comes naturally to you; what is energizing and inspiring, and what is exhausting and perhaps inconvenient? What are your team members’ strengths and when are they out of their comfort zones?

Workplace BigFive can be used to analyze a person’s personality and their natural way of working.

Workplace BigFive is easy to use. It is a selfassessment online tool, where the person answers questions, based on which the system creates a personality profile. In WorkPlace BigFive, personality is evaluated through five main, and several, minor traits.

The maintraits in WorkPlace Big Five are:

  • Need for stability
  • Extraversion
  • Originality
  • Accommodation
  • Consolidation

Every main trait has its own sub-traits, which help to gain a deeper understanding of the person’s personality. Our Big Five profile illustrates our natural way of working. To get a deeper understanding of the profile and how the results can be used, the analysis will be discussed in depht with Adiente´s WorkPlace Big Five professional.

One key result of BigFive research in the workplace is that people are most comfortable and successful working with tasks and environments that match their personality and their inherent BigFive profiles. We are all different, and we thrive, grow and flourish in tasks and roles that suit us. It is clear that we are also most comfortable in teams and organizations where the management is interested in us as individuals, and where they know how to utilize the strengths of different personalities, but also take into account, and respect, our differences.

The WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ tool has countless possibilities of use. At Adiente, we use the tool for everything we do: in recruitment, team development, evaluation and development of leadership skills, career planning, defining recruitment needs and also within coaching and outplacement.

AON Assessment

Aon Assessments can be used to measure competence, ability and to assess personality. This online-based tool can be used in recruitment assignments to determine if a candidate has the abilities and skills relevant to the role.

Aon’s assessments can be used to assess, for example, language skills, verbal ability, mathematical reasoning, values, and attitudes. Tools can be tailored for different target groups as well as for different tasks, such as assisting or for expert positions in the technical or commercial field, or for managerial positions for applicants with a university degree.

Using Aon’s tools, we can measure a number of different things, but as always, it is important to first define exactly what we measure and why we want to measure it.


360 ° assessment is an assessment method often used to develop one’s own leadership, cooperation, development and competence. With 360 ° assessment feedback, the assessee becomes aware of what their own actions look like to others, what is good and what could be further developed.

For this, we can use an online tool, or we can do it by personal interviews, depending on if we want to ask many questions or a fewer, with deeper and longer answers.

Team leaders, colleagues, subordinates, customers or other potential partners are asked to provide an evaluation through questions, and open feedback is also requested from respondents. At the same time, the assessee answers the same questions and evaluates himself.
The results are compared in a feedback discussion, in which case the assessee receives feedback on their own actions.

Evaluation is well suited, for example, for leadership training, leadership or board work assessments, to support development discussions and to support the coaching process when you want to develop your own activities.

The 360 ​​° assessment is carried out together with the assessee, and based on the assessment, we draw up a development plan if the customer so wishes. Evaluation provides a broad view of the current state of the situation, and serves as an excellent tool for developing your own way of working.

An assessment deepens the understanding and explains patterns of behavior

When do we use assessments?

Recruitment is just one of many situations where personal assessment can be useful. Evaluations are also used e.g. mapping an employee’s development potential or selecting individuals for training or career development support. There are many different ways of evaluating, and evaluations can also be combined.

Evaluations are also used e.g. to improve team collaboration or to improve collaboration across the company or organization.

”The author of the Winnie the Pooh books, A.A. Milne, realized that very different characters  created a very good story. The same ingredients are needed in working life to create a super team, outstanding collaboration and excellent results !”

All assessment tools used by Adiente are reliable, and we are certified to use them.

It is important to know what we are evaluating and measuring and why, so we can choose the tools that are best suited for this situation. It is also important that all results and analyzes are dismantled together with the assessee so that he or she has the opportunity to ask and give feedback and also to present his or her own views on the results.

Get in touch, and we´ll tell you more!

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