What Business Coaching is
Business coaching is solution-oriented process aiming for personal and professional development. The role of a Certified Business Coach is to positively challenge and question the coachee’s own beliefs and behaviors so that he or she can build new forward-looking solutions and behaviors.
The role of a Certified Business Coach is therefore to help a person develop and become even better in what he or she already knows. The coaching process helps a person see their own strengths, their self-esteem grows and they get better results.
More and more business leaders, entrepreneurs and companies are using business coaching services to succeed and stand out in the competition. Standing out and having the reassurance of doing the right things in the right way, builds a solid foundation for success in an ever-changing world.
The coaching process makes it possible to take a person’s performance to a new level. During the process, the Coach helps the client figure out his/her goals – what he/she wants and how to reach the goals. The process creates motivation for the coachee, is empowering and is always looking forward to choosing next steps and how to succeed in what is to come.
According to an ICF study, more than 70% of coachees felt that their performance had improved due to coaching
Who can benefit from Business Coaching?
Business coaching is for anyone who wants to develop, personally or professionally. The only really important requirement, is that the coachee wants to be coached, and wants to develop. If this is the case, coaching can help you see things from new angles, bring out the best in you and and help you significantly develop as a person and further your career.
Business coaching is suitable for anyone, who wants to grow and develop.
Business coaching is perfect for someone who is planning, or has just started their own business, and needs support to get started efficiently from the start. Coaching is also very suitable for someone who has started in a new position or in a new role, maybe a team lead or management position for the first time, and need to take on new role and new responsibilities quickly.
Business coaching can also be recommended if you work as a manager and want to develop in that role – how to be a good leader and be able to efficiently lead different types of employees.
The goals you set for coaching can also be tied to business goals: how to increase sales or revenue, or how to streamline or improve things.
Business coaching is also a great way to reward a motivated employee. Instead of a bonus, he or she can be given the opportunity to develop in his career through coaching.
Benefits of coaching
Personal growth as well as improving a company’s performance is one of the main reasons why business leaders use business coaching. Coaching results can be measured in many ways: turnover, profit, growth, employee comfort / turnover, cost, customer experience, etc. Each area can be developed and optimized togehter with Adiente’s professional Certified Business Coach.
Another very important reason to offer coaching to your staff is to increase and engage in job satisfaction through personal growth.

The Business Coaching process in practise
Our Certified Business Coach Master helps a coachee define and accomplish his or her own goals. The coach constantly supports the coachee’s own ability to solve and develop.
A business coaching process consists of six face-to-face sessions with your Certified Business Coach. Sessions are usually held 1-2 times a month, usually for 3-6 months. One session lasts 1-1,5 hours.
Depending on the goal, a three-pronged approach to coaching can also be taken. Thus, the manager of the coachee is an active part of the process. In this case, the coaching process starts with an initial discussion, where in addition to the coach and the coachee, the manager of the coachee is also present. The goals of the whole process are defined during the initial discussion. The manager will then support his/her team member in his/her development throughout the process. The manager also joins the last coachingsession, where the results of the coachingprocess are evaluated together.
The role of a Certified Business Coach is to walk alongside the coachee and help him/her identify own strengths and resources. The coaching process is always positive and solution-focused and focuses on how the coachees abilities can be strengthened and used to achieve the goals.
When Business Coaching is not the right approach
In order for the coaching process to be successful, it is important that the coachee wants to participate in the coaching and have the will to develop. If a person is exhausted, has long-term well-being issues, or has no desire or resources to develop him/herself, therapy or other forms of support may be a more appropriate option.
"Courage made me do things I didn't think I could do. I wasn't what I thought I was. I was much more."
– Tommy Hellsten
A confidential relationship is the basis for coaching
Coaching meetings can be held in person or remotely by teams or zoom
Adientes Business Coaches are both certified on a Business Coach Master® level
Erica Flinck-Härkönen
CEO Erica Flinck-Härkönen has a master’s degree in economics, majoring in entrepreneurship. Erica founded Adiente in 2005 and has since worked in staffing, recruitment, direct search, consulting and coaching. She has extensive knowledge of the different opportunities and challenges of working life and the expectations of employers and employees at different stages of their careers.
Erica is a certified Business Coach Master®, specializing in coaching middle and management, and especially entrepreneurs and CEOs. Everyone benefits from coaching, and all clients are welcome, as long as the coachee himself wants a change or development in a situation.
Erica offers coaching in Finnish, Swedish and English, face to face in the metropolitan area or remotely without geographical restrictions.
Erica Flinck-Härkönen
CEO, Business Coach Master®
Tel: +358 40 510 7700
Email: erica.flinck-harkonen@adiente.fi
Marika Högström-Andersson
Senior HR Consultant Marika Högström-Andersson has a Master’s degree in adult education and has worked as a recruitment consultant and with team development for more than 15 years. He has extensive knowledge of different opportunities and challenges in worklife and of expectations of employers and employees at different stages of their careers.
In addition to recruitment and team development, Marika is specialized in using Extended DISC and WorkPlace BigFive analyzes. These tools can also be used during coaching processes.
Marika is a Certified Business Coach Master®, and offers business coaching face-to-face in the metropolitan area or remotely without geographical restrictions. Marika offers coaching in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Marika Högström-Andersson
Senior HR Consultant, Business Coach Master®
Tel: +358 50 572 6439
Email: marika.hogstrom-andersson@adiente.fi
Working with one of Adiente's skilled and professional Certified Business Coach Masters is both inspiring and developing.
Book a free 30-minute business coaching consultation for yourself or a team member to find out if Adientes business coaching could work for you or your team members!
Book a free 30-minute business coaching consultation
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