Open positions
Myyntipäällikkö, Christian Berner Oy »
Marketing & Commercial Manager, Nosht / Potential Foods Oy »
Kansainvälinen liiketoimintajohtaja, Timoteos Oy »
Asiakasvastuullinen kirjanpitäjä, Navigator Partners Oy »
Assistentteja, johdon assistentteja sekä sihteerejä »
Myynnin ja markkinoinnin Interim positioita »
Information for jobseekers
Adiente is specialized in recruitments, which means that the employee is employed directly by our customer company. This means that our job is limited to finding You, and presenting you to our customer.
Complementing normal recruitments, we also do head-hunting projects.
We also offer long term staffing solutions, which means that the employee is employed by Adiente, but is conducting the work at a specific clients office. Our staffing projects are typically summer jobs, or projects of at least 6-12 months, and they often end by recruitment of to the client.
Adiente as an employer
Our customer companies usually wish that we find them ambitious professionals for different types of office related positions, such as sales, marketing, IT, bank and finance, insurance and various middle management, specialist and leadership positions.
But this varies from case to case and we search, recruit and employ students, newly graduates – people who are in the middle of their careers and senior experts – to summer jobs, projects and fixed terms contracts and of course also permanent positions.
Adientes office is Located in Espoo, west of Helsinki, and most of our customers are located in the metropolitan area.
What we expect of our employees
Our customers have high expectations and high demands on us, which in turn means that we need to have equally high expectations on our employees.
Exactly what is needed varies from position to position, and we always write this in the job add, but in general we expect you to deliver what you promise, that you enjoy working and that you want to do well in the position you applied for. And of course that you want to work and that you have a great attitude towards work and life in general!
Everybody should have a job they like and do tasks they enjoy – if you do not love what you do, there are countless other possibilities!
Apply for a position that excites you, and is something you want to do
Prepare for the interview,
you have only one shot of
giving a great first impression
Previous recruitments
Adiente recruits people for very different types of jobs. The red thread and the unifying factor for us is that our customers are good and highly regarded employers and the positions are usually both challenging and interesting.
Below are examples of positions we have recruited for:
- Marketing manager
- Marketing assistant
- Controller
- Office assistant
- Business analyst
- Key Account Manager
- Logistics Manager
- Business Development Manager
- Financing assistant
- Sales Manager
- Business Area Manager
- Market Activation Manager
- Partner Manager
- Customer Service
- MD
- Accountant
- HR consultant
- Sales lead
- Personnel manager
- HR-assistant
- Office Manager
- Programmer
- Financial Manager
- IT Project Manager
- Back office
Are you looking for a job, or for someone to do it?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you!
We are Adiente
Flexible, professional, personal and fast.